The Story

The Story

Kensuke’s Kingdom tells the epic adventure of Michael, a young boy who sets off with his family on a sailing trip of a lifetime. But excitement soon turns to terror when a violent storm erupts and Michael and his dog Stella are swept overboard, washing up on a remote island where they struggle to survive. Michael eventually discovers he is not alone when he is confronted by a mysterious Japanese man called Kensuke who has lived there secretly since World War Two. The boy and the old man are initially suspicious of each other, but when dangerous invaders appear on the horizon, it’s clear Michael and Kensuke must join forces to save their fragile island paradise.

At its heart Kensuke’s Kingdom is a film about how much we need each other, and about our responsibilities, not only to other people, but to all the creatures we are marooned with on this little island we call Earth.
Directors Neil Boyle and Kirk Hendry
What I want the audience to take away from the film of Kensuke’s Kingdom is how important love is between people and between ourselves and the planet. It's a story about reconciliation, old and young, them and us, ourselves and the world about us, which comes through the sensitivity of Michael, but also through the wisdom of Kensuke, and the relationship between the two.
Author Sir Michael Morpurgo OBE
The Story
The Story

The Characters

  • Michael thumbnail image
  • Mum thumbnail image
  • Dad thumbnail image
  • Becky thumbnail image
  • Kensuke thumbnail image
  • Stella thumbnail image
  • Tomodachi thumbnail image
  • Kikanbo thumbnail image
  • Michael image


    Being the youngest member of the family, Michael feels he is not taken seriously. Someone he does feel on equal terms with is his beloved dog Stella, who is never far from his side. Michael loves to draw, and fills the boat’s logbook with illustrations of everything he encounters on the journey.

    Vulnerable, yet tenacious, both of these qualities will come to the fore when he finds himself separated from his family and fighting for survival on a tropical island, far from everything he knows.

  • Mum image


    Mum grew up in the cosy suburbs of South London. The eldest and boldest of three, she led her younger brother and sister in tree climbing adventures and was always the first to dive into the cold lido water, whatever the weather. She found her sea legs at a young age when she joined the Sea Scouts, which gave her a lifelong love of sailing. After doing well at college, Mum fell into a dull office job where she met the man who would become her husband. They bonded over their mutual love of escaping the city and exploring the great outdoors. A natural diplomat, she handles catastrophes and bad tempers with level headedness and can usually diffuse a situation with a few carefully chosen words.

  • Dad image


    Dad grew up on a farm just outside of Dublin. Warm and social, he was one of five, with more cousins than he could count and one of the family dogs always at his side. When Dad moved to London in search of opportunity, he fell into a dull office job that was transformed when he met the woman who would become his wife. With two growing children, and feeling they were losing their best years to the rat race, fate took a turn when the company they worked for folded. This would transform their lives, pushing them to hatch a plan to sell their house, buy a boat, and take their family on the adventure of a lifetime. Dad’s main concern is his family’s wellbeing. Although he insists on his parental authority, attempts at sternness are quickly mocked and then quietly abandoned.

  • Becky image


    Michael’s teenage sister. Although facing a long voyage at sea away from her friends back home, Becky is mature enough to enjoy Mum and Dad’s company on an adult level, is trusted to have more independence, and be given more interesting tasks to perform on the family boat, to the annoyance of Michael. She has a love/hate relationship with her brother, enjoying sharing his company sometimes, but at other times happily ratting on him to get him into trouble.

  • Kensuke image


    Kensuke was born and raised in Nagasaki. He trained as a doctor and was conscripted into the Japanese navy during the Second World War, leaving behind his wife and young son. While at sea, Kensuke learns an atomic bomb has been dropped on Nagasaki, destroying much of the city. Kensuke assumes his own family have perished. His battleship is then torpedoed and he is cast away to a remote island. Kensuke spends several decades living on the island alone, building a treehouse high above the jungle. Fully adapted to the rhythms of the island, his time is measured by the tides and changing seasons, meals are grown or foraged, and he learns to make tools and furniture from found materials. Gentle and respectful, he has gained the trust of the island’s wildlife and they treat him as one of their own. However, the arrival of an eleven-year-old English boy will turn his world upside down.

  • Stella image


    The family dog, best friend of Michael, and someone who is always one step ahead of her human counterparts.

  • Tomodachi image


    Tomodachi is the matriarch of a group of orangutans who live on the island. She is extremely wary of humans, but has eventually come around to trusting Kensuke. Poachers are an ever-present threat to the fauna on the island, and Tomodachi bears the scars of a previous attack that almost took her life.

  • Kikanbo image


    Kikanbo is Tomodachi’s baby. She has the opposite problem of her mother in that she loves humans, and gravitates towards them at every opportunity which sometimes puts her in harm's way.

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